Hawthorne Valley Golf Course Rules
At Hawthorne Valley Golf Course, we follow the official Royal Canadian Golf Association (R.C.G.A) rules of golf. These official rules govern all play except a set of local rules specific to our course as listed below.
Local Rules
1. RED stakes are lateral hazards, one (1) stroke penalty at point of entry, drop ball 2 club lengths from point of entry, not nearer the hole.
2. WHITE stakes are OUT OF BOUNDS, stroke plus distance.
3. FREE LIFT – Drop ball 2 club lengths from nearest point of relief NOT nearer the hole for; - stakes trees under 6 feet, French stone covered drains, flower beds, stone paths, buildings, sprinkler heads, large stones, ground under construction, or any other manmade obstruction.
4. Dress code strictly enforced: Shirts must have collar or sleeves; no cut-off shorts, short shorts or Spandex pants; jeans allowed but must be in good condition; soft spike policy (running shoes allowed).
5. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages permitted on course. Unruly behaviour or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
6. All players or persons in, or about the Golf Course assume all risk of injury to themselves or their property and also assume all liability to others for their acts while on the premises. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to the course, and also the right to cancel playing privileges at any time.
7. No caddies allowed. No admittance on course without green fees.
8. Play without delay.
9. Pro shop reserves the right to pair up players.
10. Minimum age – 12 years
11. One ball limit per player.
To learn more about our golf course or to book your slot, please call us today. Our team will be happy to assist you.